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Free Information Session on Medicines And Falls

Published: 16 Feb 2015

Pills and Spills is a health and wellbeing education program developed by COTA SA and Central Adelaide and Hills Medicare Local (CAHML).

Pills & Spills - medicines

Aound 1 in 3 unplanned hospital admissions for older Australians are related to problems with medicines. Half of these could have been prevented. More health problems, multiple medicines and other changes with age make older people more vunerable to medicine problems.

Learn about your medicines and how to improve health and well-being through managing your health, communicating effectively with your doctor and pharmacist, and good medicine management.

Pills & Spills - falls prevention

Falls are the most common cause of injuries amongst older people and the top reason for hospital trauma admission. 1 in every 10 days spent in hospital by a person ages 65 or over was directly attributed to an injurious fall. Strategies on how to reduce your risk of a fall and what to do if you have a fall will be discussed.

Visit the Cota SA website here, to find an information session close to you. 

Or phone Lyn at Cota SA on 08 8232 0422 or email to book.