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Introducing STAY STRONG MEN group at Life Care Active

Published: 01 Jun 2014


The risk of being diagnosed with prostate cancer increases with age. The risk of having prostate cancer by the age of 75 is 1 in 8 men. By the age of 85, the number increases to 1 in 6 men. 

Prostate cancer accounts for approximately 30% of cancers diagnosed each year in Australian men and for many of these the main question is “How to live well with Prostate Cancer?”.

The effects of the disease and of the interventions designed to treat it, include severe fatigue and muscle weakness which can reduce quality of life. Luckily both of these symptoms respond well to a simple program of exercise, if it is safely designed, progressive and undertaken regularly.

Life Care Active is pleased to announce we will now be offering a dedicated exercise program for men living through or living with Prostate Cancer. This program aims to give men back the strength to enjoy life. A monthly support group will also be available for those individuals looking to share experiences with others on this difficult journey.

All enquiries can be made to the Client Liaison Officer on 8168 7600.