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Exercise for women over 50

Published: 14 Jan 2015

How does regular exercise effect ageing? 

Regular physical activity not only minimizes the physiological effect of ageing and sedentary lifestyles, but also increases active life expectancy. Significant psychological and cognitive benefits are possible for older adults regularly participating in physical activity.

Practical tips for exercise

  • Check with your doctor
  • Start gradually
  • Warm up and stretch
  • Don’t exercise in the heat of the day
  • Stay hydrated with water
  • Wear comfortable and appropriate footwear for the type of exercise

The known physical benefits of exercise, combined with significant psychological gains, may improve active life expectancy in older adults.

Extra precautions:

  • If you have been inactive, or are starting exercise for the first time, consult your doctor. Start slowly and build up your activity gently.
  • If you have mobility issues or chronic health problems, consult your doctor or specialist. They can recommend ways to work around your health concerns whilst you gain the benefits from regular physical activity.