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Our employees reaping the rewards of visit through the Life Care Walk

Published: 01 Mar 2014


The Life Care Walk has continued to be an enjoyable and enriching experience for Life Care’s executive personnel, managers and staff members at their various locations.

The concept began in 2012 when members of Life Care’s leadership group swapped their regular duties for a shift or day to spend time with employees in completely different work settings.

The positive outcomes were immediately evident in building an understanding of how people working within Life Care each contribute to our philosophy of Live Every Day through teamwork and a shared appreciation of daily challenges, roles, objectives and outcomes.

For staff members in particular, the Life Care Walk provides an opportunity to spend time with executives and managers with whom they are not in regular contact to demonstrate the diversity of work involved in our defining standards of care.

Recently, the Life Care Walk has taken:

  • Chief Executive Officer, Allen Candy, to Life Care at Home in its new administration facility at Fourth Avenue, Everard Park and to Aldinga Beach Court as a Lifestyle Assistant
  • Margie Fleming, Manager Work Health & Safety, with enrolled nurses at Glenrose Court
  • Michael Peake, Finance & Business Analyst, with maintenance personnel at Glenrose Court
  • Anne Higginson, Manager Life Care at Home, with Chaplain Sue Ind at Aldinga Beach Court.

Allen found it a rewarding experience working at the front line in consumer directed care. For Life Care at Home staff, it was equally valuable providing the CEO with practical insights into daily work requirements.

“We worked together with Allen preparing consumer directed care statements embracing the particular needs of individuals receiving care in their own homes,” Life Care At Home Office Coordinator, Vicki Wyatt, explained.

“We have also had other senior executives with us and it is important for them to see how we tailor and roster our services to ensure that we address each client’s unique requirements.”

Aldinga Beach Court Lifestyle & Volunteer Coordinator, Carole McHugh, said: “Allen rolled up his sleeves and embraced the challenge the Life Care Way. We all enjoyed the experience.”

Margie said her “walk” with enrolled nurses Karyn Heinicke and Bella Hardie-Campbell highlighted the pressures and demands on people in these vital roles.

Karyn said nurses in aged care were required to work with residents and equipment that could create physical stress and injury.

“I think Margie has seen how these things can happen so that we can all work together in a process of continuous improvement in workplace health and safety,” Karyn said. “It is about enhancing the workplace for the benefit of all while building relationships and understanding across Life Care.”

Bella added: “The Life Care Walk allowed Margie to assist us in showering a resident and treating a wound. It is a unique opportunity to be part of the hands on care that we deliver each day.”

Michael said he “threw himself at the mercy” of maintenance personnel Darren Bashem and Sam McKenna in a variety of tasks from cleaning the car park, fixing a faulty television and a high-low chair, and repairing skirting boards at Glenrose Court. 

Darren said it was an ideal way to engage with a leadership member to explain the diversity of maintenance services. Sam added that it was a great opportunity for Michael to see how maintenance duties could change rapidly and in different locations.

“We have set rosters, but things can change by the hour and we need to respond quickly and efficiently,” he said.

Sue explained that chaplaincy was in part about “walking alongside” individuals on their emotional and spiritual journey as they face the challenges and joys of life.

“The Life Care Walk is a wonderful program that creates a true sense of teamwork to enhance the well-being of our residents,” she added.